Review Policy

If you have a reviewing request for us, please contact us at or fill out the form below. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

We will accept ARC’s, ebooks, and pdf files from publishers, although if one is sent, we cannot guarantee that it will be read and reviewed because we are all very busy with school work.

If we read a book sent by a publishing company, we cannot guarantee a positive review. Please see the How We Review page for our policies.

Also, if the book is part of a series that we have not read, you will need to send us all of the previous books in the series before we will review the next book.

We will participate in blog tours.

When you send us a request please include:

-Your name, the author’s name (if you are the author, then just your name), the title, and the book synopsis

-The genre (We will only accept YA and middle grade fiction. Any NA reviews will be books that we have purchased or borrowed from our local library)

-The blogger you would like to review your book. Please also note that this is not definite. The reviewer you have requested may not have time at the moment and another reviewer may write the review, but we would like to know your preference.

-The release date for the book and your preferred review release date

-Your goodreads (if you have one)

We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Comments are FANTASTIC, so spill your thoughts onto the screen